Topic: Questions on Pack LeopartXP 1.0
On my XP machine I have PackLeopardXP 1.0 installed.
It installed ok but now the Apple toolbar it puts at the top of my display is too transparent, too dark to even try to read. How do you make this top toolbar 100% opaque?
Also, I try and keep my desktop pretty clutter free but on my desktop there's like this really big translucent box which I can't get rid of. I tried changing desktop backgrounds but it's still there. How do you get rid of it?
I don't know where to go for help on this as I see there's a mishmash of players involved like bricomax, Yz Shadow, TrucsenVrac, Glass2k and PackLeopard. Can someone help me with my 2 questions above or if not direct to whom can help me? Pretty lost here. thanks