1 (edited by elaine 2009-05-27 21:50:03)

Topic: program outspark sharp launcher

I am not obtaining to withdraw the program outspark of my computer, already I did of everything that alguem can imagine, you are to mine finalizes hope for the remove that pest of the my computer. he says that the updating made cannot be excluded, and in the paste remove/add programs, does not appear neither the icon alter/remove. I already am stayed dog with that porra! therefore is the unico programs that Problemão. I expect that vcs obtain help myself.  It obliged, elaine.

Re: program outspark sharp launcher

To uninstall Outspark from your computer, try the following steps:

Manually delete the Outspark folder from the installation directory, typically found in "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)".
Check the "Common Files" folder for any Outspark-related folders or files and delete them.
If the above steps don't work, consider using a third-party uninstaller program like "Revo Uninstaller" to remove Outspark.
Please note that manual deletion and using third-party uninstaller programs are advanced steps, so proceed with caution and ensure you have administrative privileges.

Rachel Gomez