Topic: OfficeFIX not detected by informer client

Cimaware OfficeFIX is not detected at all. Thousand of installations and it's not present in your listings except for a few obsolete installations. I've check everything in the registry and it seems to be ok. The software uses HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. However DeleteFIX also uses this registry location with no issues. Looking at the program data folder of your Informer client, there is an entry for OfficeFIX in the file ukey.xml , however the program is not detected. Cimaware DeleteFIX with a simillar installation is detected ok.

You can download the software here:

Re: OfficeFIX not detected by informer client

Good day!
Indeed, the application is not detected by the SI Client. The error will be fixed by our programmers as soon as possible.
The program is available on the SI site If you want to suggest any correction, you can use 'suggest a correction' field to do that.

Best wishes

Re: OfficeFIX not detected by informer client

Thanks Betty!

When you say the error will be fixed you mean your programmers have been already notified by you?... or should I suggest a correction?

Do you know about how long will it take to fix the SI Client?

And thanks again. Please understand that this is a very serious issue to us.

Re: OfficeFIX not detected by informer client

Dear David!
Yesterday our programmers were reported about the error. The issue will be solved within a month.
Best regards

Re: OfficeFIX not detected by informer client

Thanks a lot Betty. I really appreciate your help. If your developers need some extra information or if they want us to make any change in our software, please let me know it.

Re: OfficeFIX not detected by informer client

This is really hurting us. Software informer software doesn't detect OfficeFIX yet. Our program has been in the top of the file recovery tools for Microsoft Office since 2004 and we've sold about 100.000 licenses so far. As your software is an standard to know the relative importance of a software we are having many problems because of the lack of presence in your listings. For example we're not allowed to be listed in wikipedia as they only accept notorious software. Also it affects Google rankings and our general visibility in the media.

I would appreciate a lot if you could ask the development team to fix it.

Thanks for your help.

Re: OfficeFIX not detected by informer client
