<![CDATA[Software Informer Forum — Unable to use the chat client]]> 2012-10-31T17:28:15Z PunBB https://software.informer.com/forum/topic/4622/unable-to-use-the-chat-client/ <![CDATA[Re: Unable to use the chat client]]> It seems to sort of work now but it's a bit slow and I have no way of knowing that I recieved any messages unless I actually open up the chat client and check.  The user interface isn't exactly clear either.  I didn't realize I  needed to double click the name of the contact in the chat window in order to initiate a chat session with them.  Might be nice if sending someone an offline chat message also sent them an e-mail to let them know.  It would also be nice if the Software Informer client could notify the user of new messages as well.  In cases where the person is already on the SI website perhaps additional methods could be added to get their attention so you can chat with them.  Lastly, a more streamlined chat interface would be beneficial.  Something that could sit in the corner of the screen so you could still be doing other things while chatting.

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/49905/ 2012-10-31T17:28:15Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/8339/#p8339
<![CDATA[Re: Unable to use the chat client]]> I will cheer and my google chrome will take a lead and we knew that we Unable to use the chat client. Unable to use the chat client have very growing future. Its very notify the massage.

Best Regards and more power

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/52179/ 2012-10-24T10:23:42Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/8290/#p8290
<![CDATA[Re: Unable to use the chat client]]> It's a bit of both, actually. It did work at some point, but it's always been under heavy development, growing features, dropping other features, and so on. It was pretty handy when it worked, aye. Especially since it was the only means of contacting people directly. The support for offline messages was there, and it worked flawlessly. It didn't, however, notify the addressee of new messages by e-mail - so they'd have to log in to know of those messages anyway. Nor is there any means to e-mail other users (which probably has to do with privacy concerns), sadly.

I was given an estimate of five days to a week for the chat to come to life again. Fingers crossed.

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/45036/ 2012-07-18T11:24:02Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/7927/#p7927
<![CDATA[Re: Unable to use the chat client]]> Is the chat feature just prototypical / under development at the moment or was it functional at some time?  Seems like it would be a cool way to get in touch with people to talk about software they have used / like.  Is the chat meant to work just as a live chat or is / will there be support for offline messages to?  Is it possible to send e-mail to other Software Informer users in case they don't log in frequently?  Seems like it would be a nice feature to have!

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/49905/ 2012-07-13T19:07:36Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/7912/#p7912
<![CDATA[Re: Unable to use the chat client]]> Cheers for the heads-up. I've checked Safari, Chrome, and Opera - the chat doesn't work in any of those either. I filed a bug report and got a response that there's a fix currently in the works. Hope it's a quick one.

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/45036/ 2012-06-29T05:39:19Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/7868/#p7868
<![CDATA[Unable to use the chat client]]> Has anyone been able to use the chat feature to send someone a message?  On Internet Explorer the chat window doesn't even load for me.  On Firefox it appears to load but I can't send chat messages and my contact list is empty despite having one person in my friends list.  Any ideas?

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/49905/ 2012-06-28T22:05:55Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/7867/#p7867