1 (edited by Eagle_Kiwi(NowExtinct) 2009-06-08 22:45:47)

Topic: "Programs with most likely wrong versions" - WON'T GO AWAY

When I first installed SI a few days ago' yes, the 2 programs it showed (on the webpage) WERE "most likely wrong versions".
So I've since fully uninstalled both of them, refreshed my SIClient list (proving they no longer appear there), and even UNinstalled my SIClient then reinstalled it afresh . . . but . . . .

These 2 "wrong versions" STILL appear on my SI webpage, and refuse to go way no matter WHAT I do.

I even tried "Delete this PC's software list", which indeed DID remove all my "normal" programs/updates from the webpage - but NOT those 2 alleged "wrong versions". (BTW, how the H*** do I get my software list BAQCK on the online page?!)

This situation is so absurd that I'm probably about to quit SI anyway (I can live with FHUpdateChecker, SUMo, and UpdateNotifier).  I hope you guys get your product "workable" sometime, as it sure has potential.

Re: "Programs with most likely wrong versions" - WON'T GO AWAY

Respected Sir, I had a similar like problem showing wrong version and have posted the problem in REPORT A BUG in SI CLIENT under the HELP Menu. The SI team fixed the problem and it was not reflecting again.

Always Smile / Good Luck