<![CDATA[Software Informer Forum — Help for a newbie user]]> 2010-01-09T06:10:33Z PunBB https://software.informer.com/forum/topic/905/help-for-a-newbie-user/ <![CDATA[Re: Help for a newbie user]]> NOFATCHX wrote:

I don't think its all right. I also say that it can be annoying at some times but there are people too lazy to update their software manually and they need it.

I personally update it manually but i just check which new version is available.

You can just  turn about notifications off by by selecting do not notify.

This is what is referred to as a Senior Moment...I had actually totally forgotten, Caramelka, that I had even tried SOFTWARE INFORMER let alone that I had joined the SI FORUM or even posted anything until tonight. Oh dear. sad

You are, of course, correct when you state that some people are just "too lazy to update their software", although I might not have put it quite that way. (grin) I have spent more time whilst using all the computers I've owned beginning with DOS way back when, all the way through every evolution of of every Windows O/S up to but not including Windows Vista. It has been a longstanding joke with me that "I work for Microsoft" and am "slave to my computer " rather than the other way around. And, that includes every application/programme, which numbers in the several hundreds, I've tried and/or worked with.

My principle has been a simple one: if the learning curve is too steep, get rid of it. I'll probably never use it since I have better things to do with my life than spend more time and patience than I have to get a programme to work for me in the way that *my brain works* and not the Programmer's.  What works for one is not necessarily a good one for somebody else whose brain is organized in a different way than mine.

What is critical to every computer user is to maintain their Operating Systems up-to-date and that means making certain that all of their patches and security applications are to the day and in some cases to the hour.

SOFTWARE INFORMER is a *useful* application but it is only as good as the person using the application to make critical decisions as to which programmes apply to their individual cases. No two computer set-ups are precisely the same and no two computer users are going to use their computers in precisely the same way.

I use FIREFOX and only rarely use Windows I.E. but that doesn't mean I neglect to auto download the monthly Tuesday patches and updates, or keep my Avast! anti-virus up-to-the-minute, or my anti-spyware programmes up to date either.  Stat for all the other programmes on my computer which I use on a daily basis. I run a tight ship.

Yet despite all of my experience I still call myself a NOVICE computer user. Every single day that I boot up, I am learning new things and new ways to use this little tool called a computer.

Kindest regards,


https://software.informer.com/forum/user/3940/ 2010-01-09T06:10:33Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/2565/#p2565
<![CDATA[Re: Help for a newbie user]]> Nothing is ideal
,but it.s not impossible
wish you success
Thank you so much

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/20699/ 2010-01-06T21:22:07Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/2522/#p2522
<![CDATA[Re: Help for a newbie user]]> engineer wrote:

I'll try to explain as best I can. When I am on the main message page of my group "messages" is grayed out as is "newest". When I click refresh in the toolbar I get the same page. So, how do I refresh the page to see the newest messages?

p.s. this also happens when I go to any other section of my group page (i.e. photos, database) there seems to be no way to update the page.

Maybe you should ask the mods about this! roll

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/14280/ 2009-11-07T17:39:45Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/1748/#p1748
<![CDATA[Re: Help for a newbie user]]> I'll try to explain as best I can. When I am on the main message page of my group "messages" is grayed out as is "newest". When I click refresh in the toolbar I get the same page. So, how do I refresh the page to see the newest messages?

p.s. this also happens when I go to any other section of my group page (i.e. photos, database) there seems to be no way to update the page.

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/13711/ 2009-11-07T09:15:12Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/1739/#p1739
<![CDATA[Re: Help for a newbie user]]> I don't think its all right. I also say that it can be annoying at some times but there are people to lazy to update their software manually and they need it. I personally update it manually but i just check which new version is available.
You can just  turn about notifications off by by selecting do not notify.

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/14280/ 2009-11-06T11:31:17Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/1720/#p1720
<![CDATA[Help for a newbie user]]> I only just began using this utility and I'm darned if I know just what use it is.

I have a whole list of things that SI claims that need updating, and I have tried a number of them so far. Since my computer isn't broken by the experience - yet - I hope I've done the correct thing. I won't know for certain until my computer crashes or does other bizarre behaviour.

Personally, I find the whole thing utterly confusing.

My list as per SI contains programmes that I have no intention of updating since these are applications I already hold a license for and have no intention of going to what I know is available as an upgrade. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I've never been wild about applications that work silently behind the scenes, as does SI. SI may be intuitive, but it is hardly informative. For that, I am not pleased. :0/

By example, SI informs me that Internet Explorer 8 is available, given I am in IE7, and I know that IE8 is out there. Windows Update tells me so. If I wanted it, I simply use Windows Update. Why would I need SI for this?
I don't, but I can't rid of SI's telling me so. The same would apply for any patches Microsoft issues to me on every Tuesday of the month. Arf. I don't believe that SI should be messing around with Windows at all! Every computer is different and no two people use their computers in the same way. sad

It has been a longstanding habit with me, after 15 years of using a P.C., to update my Applications directly form whichever application is on my H.D. myself. So, what does SI do that I can't do by myself? That's the question.

SI lists a whole slew of JREs which say are out of date. Really? When I followed the link, I was presented with an overhwelming list of choices which only serves to confuse even further. Barf. sad

It goes like that. I have a hunch that this utility is incomplete and could cause more harm than good.

Thank you.

https://software.informer.com/forum/user/3940/ 2009-08-03T08:14:18Z https://software.informer.com/forum/post/1116/#p1116