Topic: can i submit a software here?

I have a commertial software.can i submit this software in this web site? i fyes, than how can i submit?

Re: can i submit a software here?

Caramelka wrote:

A program gets into our database automatically after it is installed by at least one user of siClient.
You can use the 'Suggest a correction' link found on the program's individual page at and provide any description you deem fit.

I have read this response several times and still do not understand how this works.  I have a small shareware multiplication tables learning program I wrote for my children.  I do not wish to be a spammer.  How can the program have an individual page at without it being downloaded (sounds like a chicken versus the egg situation to  me)?  I apologize; I am very new at this.

Re: can i submit a software here?

Judy Perry wrote:

I have read this response several times and still do not understand how this works.  I have a small shareware multiplication tables learning program I wrote for my children.  I do not wish to be a spammer.  How can the program have an individual page at without it being downloaded (sounds like a chicken versus the egg situation to  me)?  I apologize; I am very new at this.

It's a case of divine intervention, so to speak. )
As a rule, the individual pages on provide links to first-hand resources, without hosting anything (which is a nice way of preventing users from questioning the origins of listed programs, I'd say); so it is probably implied that a program (and, likewise, its developer) has an official website, where it is hosted or linked to. It is there where it's to be first downloaded from, I believe.

In the same breath, since the requirement is as low as 'at least one user of siClient', you yourself can install your own application alongside siClient - and it will probably pop up on the website.

Re: can i submit a software here?

Click  here to install SI Client.

Re: can i submit a software here?

Contact the administrator follows his instruction and you work is easily carried off easily like cake walk

Re: can i submit a software here?

Nice ques but no information about this. Please contact the forum administrator as per follow instructions so that you can work easily here.

Re: can i submit a software here?

thx, i can try this step