Topic: how to copy movies ?mac
Help me please, I do have one DVD movie and my friend ask me whether I can give him a copy of this movie. I said yes, but I don't know how to copy it! please help me if you know that!Thanks a lot. I use Mac.
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Write in English, please. Spammers get banned. Help me please, I do have one DVD movie and my friend ask me whether I can give him a copy of this movie. I said yes, but I don't know how to copy it! please help me if you know that!Thanks a lot. I use Mac.
Copy text, pictures, and movies in documents on Mac
Copy within a document: Select an item to copy, then press and hold the Option key and drag the item to a new location in the document.
Copy from one document to another: Open both documents, select an item to copy, then drag it to the other document.
Rachel Gomez
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